Blueprint Blog

Just Ad'ed | March Roundup

Just Ad'ed | March Roundup

Blueprint's "Just Ad'ed" Weekly Digest – your new go-to source for Paid advertising news.

Stay ahead of the curve with our weekly newsletter, Just Ad'ed, as we bring you a concise roundup of the most relevant and impactful news stories from the world of Paid Advertising. Staying informed is crucial in the fast-changing landscape of digital marketing, and Just Ad'ed is designed to keep you in the loop without overwhelming you.

Signing up for Just Ad'ed is a breeze: Simply click the link below to subscribe, and start receiving your weekly dose of essential paid advertising news.

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Just Ad'ed | February Roundup

Just Ad'ed | February Roundup

Blueprint's "Just Ad'ed" Weekly Digest – your new go-to source for Paid advertising news.

Stay ahead of the curve with our weekly newsletter, Just Ad'ed, as we bring you a concise roundup of the most relevant and impactful news stories from the world of Paid Advertising. Staying informed is crucial in the fast-changing landscape of digital marketing, and Just Ad'ed is designed to keep you in the loop without overwhelming you.

Signing up for Just Ad'ed is a breeze: Simply click the link below to subscribe, and start receiving your weekly dose of essential paid advertising news.

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Ways to Gain Efficiency in Advertising

Ways to Gain Efficiency in Advertising

Assessing the value of ads and their placement is one of the keys to unlocking greater efficiency. But, measuring and conveying that value to your clients can get your data teams stuck in a never-ending reporting cycle. Finding ways to optimize your team's productivity so they stay focused on delivering value and developing strategy is a challenge that marketers run into all the time. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to strike the right balance.

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First-Party Ad Solutions: A Case for 3rd-Party Oversight

First-Party Ad Solutions: A Case for 3rd-Party Oversight

TikTok has made waves all over the advertising landscape for a few years now. And their latest big announcement — unveiling their first-party measurement solution that allows marketers to go beyond the last-click model and truly understand their customers’ journeys on TikTok — has lots of folks in the industry excited. But we’d recommend assessing this news with a critical eye.

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Navigating Uncertainty: A Media Expert's Guide to Success in 2024

Navigating Uncertainty: A Media Expert's Guide to Success in 2024

2024 will be pivotal for media advertising as the world deals with significant changes in the societal landscape. Brands, now more than ever, will focus on maximizing efficiency as they navigate this period of uncertainty. Media teams that recognize this shift and can take advantage of it will enjoy outsized results, gain traction with clients, and usher in a new era of productivity. This article provides insights and predictions for media experts to help them maneuver their way to success against the backdrop of a potentially turbulent year.

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How to Measure Advertising Effectiveness | A Guide

How to Measure Advertising Effectiveness | A Guide

In this blog post, we’ll define the meaning of ‘advertising effectiveness,’ address the most commonly asked questions about how to measure the effectiveness of your ads, and explain why it’s critical that you have the tools to measure efficiently and accurately.

Your advertising effectiveness is directly tied to the success of your company. To massively scale, you have to achieve the right return on your advertising investments, and doing so starts by establishing the right program.

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The Birth of Blueprint: Revolutionizing Paid Media Management

The Birth of Blueprint: Revolutionizing Paid Media Management

In 2017, we launched an ad agency. While our business grew, we noticed a problem our clients constantly faced: the technology available didn’t give them a complete picture of how their campaigns performed. It only told half the story.

After a few years, we started working with bigger brands and the problem magnified. In 2020 we began the baseline tracking technology to help our agency. By 2022, we realized that this technology could change how people managed any form of digital advertising and we set out to build something to improve the world of advertising and media management. And as it turned out, we did.   

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